Day 69/100: More reading / more Exercism / Hacker Rank

Worked a little on Exercism today. One of the problems I was working on required the use of factoring a number to find all of the divisors (eg: 4 can be divided by 4, 2, and 1). It's a recursive solution but I didn't know offhand how to write it in Scheme (shameface) and looked one up online. That got me down a rabbithole of trying to figure out what the solution I found was doing. That lead to trying to figure out how the debugger in Guile worked, which lead me to try the debugger in DrRacket instead (pro-tip: The IDE debugger in Racket is quite good.).

I also played around a bit with HackerRank. Expect a blog post on why I think HackerRank has its heart in the right place but the implementation needs a lot of work.

