In case you aren't up on the local news in the Detroit area, the Detroit City Council, (one of the whiniest gaggle of politicians to ever waddle into politics) voted down a proposal to fund the Detroit Zoo with $4 million in state dollars, and move the day-to-day operations to the non-profit Zoological society. Their refusal has not only sparked outrage, but creates a struggle to save the zoo from closing. What's worse is the racial undertones that always pepper any kind of discussion when it comes to city business, whether or not any exist. Mention the suburbs in Detroit politics, and immediately the discussion turns ugly. Really ugly.
"This is not a plantation," Collins said. "We are not owned by everyone else. Black folks are not owned by white folks anymore. I made the point Saturday that the state Legislature was pimping the City of Detroit, and that we should not play the role of prostitute. That upset a lot of people, but I stand by my words. The symbolism is that Detroit is a black city, and we're not able to govern ourselves. It's a racist attitude and I resent it."
Detroit is in danger of losing what little control they have in their affairs from a state take-over. I wonder how loudly the City Council will scream when the State barges in to handle Detroit's business affairs. Lord knows it desperately needs it.
Detroitblog has a similar perspective on this whole mess. Quite frankly I can't imagine a Detroiter that could disagree, save for 7 people on the City Council.