Goodbye, Uncle Ron

Today we say goodbye to my godfather, "Uncle" Ron. (Uncle Ron wasn't a blood relative, but my parents taught me to use Uncle as a sort of honorific for most of their friends, so the title stuck. Honestly, their family feels as an extension of our family, so I think the title is appropriate). Uncle Ron taught music and band in the same school district as my mom, along with my Aunt Sandy, his wife. Their children are around the same age as me, so we'd get together on occasion and play while our parents played pinochole. They had a cottage which we would visit, and I remember one humourous time where my dad and he decided to mount an outboard motor on a canoe. This motor had to have been heavier than the canoe, but they pressed on. Both men sat motionless with the canoe's sides barely keeping above water; like a perverse Washington crossing the Potomac. Eventually they had to bail as the canoe tipped over, and I laughed and laughed, thinking that was the funniest thing in the world.

Uncle Ron was a big guy, and had an amazing laugh, that you couldn't help but laugh along. I got the occasion when JoDee taught at solo and ensembles to see him. He was very jovial, but also took his role as my godfather very seriously. He was a very devout Christian, and his faith was an inspiration to me.

He went into intensive care in October, where he underwent many difficult procedures. It's with sadness that I bid him farewell, but know he'll have a place waiting for him.

Thank you, Uncle Ron, for being a godfather that I could look up to. May you find peace and comfort.

JoDee and I extend our deepest condolences to the family and friends who miss Uncle Ron.

