was a holiday here in the USA, so my time with the computer was pretty
limited. Also I spent a good amount of it diagnosing video card issues
before deciding I'd had enough and finding a retail solution (as an
aside: if anyone wants an AMD ATI Radeon 7750 card, please inquire
within). today's browsing reflects searching for solutions online for
both the video card and the Gaiam balance ball (noted that base had a
crack in it where the iron bar meets the base. Realized I could just
take the bar off without too much difficulty). Also spent some time
today on Jamendo putting together the next Open Metalcast episode. Also
posted the episode on Google Plus / Metal Injection.
I find myself doing my social media in little scuba-busts. This seems to keep me from doing longer stretches, and keeps me aware of what I'm looking at when I do decide to look at my social media stream. This awareness is exactly what I'm looking to achieve with this experiment; keeping my browsing purposeful, not just passive and procrastinating.
Tomorrow will be interesting, as it'll be my first day back at work since I started this experiment. Will post both logs on the site.