1. Untitled Post

    JoDee and I went to Frankenmuth this past weekend. I forgot to bring the camera, but I wish I had, because they had a really nice ice sculpture and snow sculpture display going on there. Some pretty neat sculptures there. Ahh well.

    The wedding looms ever closer. I'm getting all …

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  2. Untitled Post

    If anybody knows whether or not the Groundhog saw his shadow or not, please e-mail me. Seems he's been overshadowed by a graver tragedy yesterday.

    Oh, and WDIV (Local 4) in Detroit has come through once again with their "Local Conenction" to yesterday's Columbia tragedy. They never fail to find …

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  3. Untitled Post

    Last night at Stir Crazy!, JoDee and I had an interesting experience. I generally eat Chinese food with chopsticks for the whole meal whenever they're available (especially at Mongolian BBQ), and JoDee has also used chopsticks on numerous occasions. After our meal, a gentleman came over to our table to …

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