1. Untitled Post

    Yeah, I know... I haven't really updated the news on this site in quite some time. That's not because there hasn't been anything happening... quite the contrary. There's a boatload of really personal things that have happened (JoDee and I working on getting married, work, etc.) I haven't forgotten about …

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  2. Untitled Post

    Congratulations, Laura and Kevin on your marriage! May your years together strengthen the bonds of friendship and love you both share together!

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  3. Untitled Post

    "Fall is the season for driving safe and sober" (seen on a MDOT sign)

    Like every oter season is for driving recklessly and drunk?

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  4. Untitled Post

    Well, it's official; Neal Morse has left not only Spock's Beard, but Transatlantic as well. I admire his convictions, but am saddened to see him leave all of this music behind. Good luck, Neal. May God take you places the Beard never could.

    (*sigh*) Fear Factory, Megadeth, and now this …

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