1. Untitled Post

    If you have a second, hop on over to Sarabeth's Mother's Walk for the March of Dimes page. Even if you don't feel like donating, have a gander at a very cute kid who has been helped by the March of Dimes (and no, I generally don't get into all …

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  2. Untitled Post

    I messed around with the news code I use to post news. Now I have the ability to preview the news BEFORE I post it. Hopefully that'll keep the errors down here. :) (Or maybe they'll ust creep in like ususal. :) )

    Hey, check out Slashdot.org & tell me what you think …

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  3. Untitled Post

    Wow, I can't believe it's already nearing the end of March already. Time flies when you're having fun I guess.

    Nothing really new to report. Just keeping busy at work and home. I have some projects bumping around in my head (one of which is to redesign these pages and …

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  4. Untitled Post

    JoDee is back from her trip to the APS convention. She definitely enjoyed it. This was the condensed matter conference, which is what the professor JoDee works for does for her research. I'm just glad JoDee is back. :) Yay! :)

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