1. Untitled Post

    Chris DiBona (Open Source community activist extraordinaire) has a Petition on his web page protesting the arrest of Dmitry Sklyarov for violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Please read the page, and if you agree with what it says, please electronically sign the petition. (I did).

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  2. Untitled Post

    Just dropping a quick update notice just in case people still read this page (hello to both of you. :) ) I'm still unemployed. Like I've said before, I really like the vacation, but I'm ready to go back to work now. Perhaps fate is waiting for me to do the things …

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  3. Untitled Post

    JoDee, Ruth, and I went to the movies (seeing a pattern here? :) ) this past Sunday. we went and saw Scary Movie 2. If the first one didn't completely offend you, then you'll like this one. It seemed a bit tamer (to me), and a bit more focused than the first …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Yes, I know I have typos in the previous message. I'll update it later on.

    Also, lest people think that JoDee can't eat ice cream, she was just having a bad day yesterday, and the dribble-spoon they gave her didn't help out much. :)

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  5. Untitled Post

    ust got done celebrating the Fourth of July. I'm stuffed and tired. Got up early and did the Clawson parade, where we saw such Michigan notables as Carl and Sander Levin, Debbie Stabenow, and former Governor Jim Blanchard. We juggled in the parade as well with the Dearborn Heights group …

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