1. Hello World: Why Java never was my language of choice

    It's customary in any programming language for one to provide a simple example of displaying "Hello World" in that language. Generally these examples are quite contrived, as they tell you nothing about the actual language, and have been construed in several notable cases to show why one language is more …

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  2. PyWeek 5: The results are in

    Well, the results of Pyweek 5 are in, and while I didn't place last overall, I think this last effort wasn't as good as it could have been. Some people noted the controls were pretty unresponsive (they were), while others lamented the absence of sound (me too). All in all …

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  3. Dear Java,

    Dear Java,

    It's hard for me to write you this note. Heck, we haven't really had a chance to get to know each other, what with all of my time spent with other languages like Perl and C. You know that I secretly thought we could make something wonderful together …

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