1. Loading Ubuntu as we speak

LogoI'm loading Ubuntu Linux on Lister (the primary home machine) as we speak. I FINALLY got everything copied over to the USB hard drive (talk about slooooow), so now I'm waiting for Ubuntu to copy over the files. Almost there... almost there...

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  2. Finally I see the need for a quad core CPU

    While browsing Dell's site looking for some CPU info on a machine, I came across this animated graphic for their new quad core CPU machines. Suddenly I was enlightened why the average user would need one of these CPUs (look in the top right corner of the CPU diagram):

    Quad Core

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  3. Headphones

    I just updated my copy of Rhythmbox on Lister (my home machine) to 0.10.0. Since Lister is a Fedora Core 5 machine, that wasn't a small feat, but I managed (and will post RPMs and instructions if anyone wants them). One of the cool new features of the …

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  4. Pyweek #4: The results are in

    imageThe results from the voting for Pyweek #4 are in, and I'm happy to report I placed 11th out of a bunch of individual entries. I'm pretty excited about this. One poor soul played the game until level 122, which is amazing to me since the game stops getting harder …

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