1. Your local CompUSA is closing

    Apparently CompUSA is restructuring their stores, and closing all of the Detroit-area stores. On the one hand I'm disappointed because I enjoyed browsing through the store. Unfortunately that's about all I did at a CompUSA. In the article it's pretty clear why CompUSA isn't thriving: they're the store of last …

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  2. Scribus Video Tutorials

    I have completed a series of three video tutorials for Scribus. I used recordmydesktop, which is a very cool tool for capturing your desktop, along with Xnest. These tutorials cover the fundamentals of using Scribus, and were designed to help my mom in learning how to use Scribus instead of …

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  3. GNOME Darkroom

    One of the latest memes (or trends, if you prefer) on the net is of creative folks trying to get back to a focused environment for being creative. I've blogged about coming full circle from single tasking environments to fully windowed environments, but 'd like to elaborate more on the …

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