1. Text Editor, Full Circle

    It's funny how we've come full circle. Years ago, we were glad to have windowed programming environments. I can remember lusting after a Lisa and a Macintosh the moment I read about one. I even tried to design my own GEM-like interface on the Atari 800. Windowed environments are absolutely …

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  2. LMMS = Way Cool

    I've been playing this weekend with LMMS, and I have to say, it's pretty sweet. Here's a quick bit of audio torture by yours truly, put together in the span of about 30 minutes with some samples from Computer Music magazine.

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  3. Just in case you needed more reasons...

    Just in case you needed some more reasons not to upgrade to Windows Vista, or to start working on your Windows to Linux migration sooner than later...

    • [Rockin on without Microsoft | Newsmakers | CNET News.com](http://web.archive.org/web/http://news.com.com/2008-1082_3-5065859.html)
    • - Imagine, if you will …
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