Playing around with some Assembly Language just for grins. Nice way to
spend a Friday evening.
Impostor Syndrome
At Pycon 2014 I saw Julie Pagano's talk "It's Dangerous to Go Alone: Battling the Invisible Monsters in Tech" which struck a nerve with me. It showed me that there's a name for some of the feelings that I've felt both in my career and in my technical life.
At …
read moreAnd... back on Twitter
Put myself back on Twitter after about a month's worth of absence. Why the change of heart? Blame Douglas Whitfield of the Music Manumit Podcast who apparently thinks that a private account that doesn't follow anyone, with a location set to "Deactivated" is a perfect avenue to engage in conversation …
read moreHow to lose a customer, the eBay way
Finally closed my eBay account after all these years. Finding out about a breach via the media was bad enough, but realizing their password scheme was interpreting my password before saving it was the final straw.
Now to wait out the 180 day waiting period before the permanently delete my …
read morePenguicon: Getting Things Done Under Linux presentation
Here are the slides for the Getting Things Done Under Linux that I presented at Penguicon 2014:
Getting Things Done Under Linux slides
(And if you're interested I've posted the source for the slides up on github:
read more