Much Internet ink has already been shed / spilled over the Apple vs. Samsung case already, but I need to get some thoughts out of my head and down into a blog post before they drive me insane. So, bear with me, dear reader, as I add more fuel to fire …
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Mind your t, c, and q
Posting this so someone else doesn't have to go through the trouble I went through.
I was having a problem reflowing comments in vim. Whenever I reflowed something like:
# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ...
I would get something like this:
read more# Lorem ipsum dolor …
Change changing places
Today marks the day that I shipped off my office equipment to my former employer. Next week, I'll be starting a new job; one where I'll be working web development in my favorite new language, Python. Looking forward to the new challenges, as it's been a while since I've done …
read moreI miss CompUSA
JoDee and I went to get some more case fans for Lister (see the previous post). I think we both agree that we really, really miss CompUSA. No, it's not because CompUSA had great selection (they really didn't), or that their prices were any better (they weren't). No, the real …
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