1. The Guilt of Linux Gamers

    (Update: This situation has improved since I last wrote this. Will blog about the updates to Linux Gaming at some point in the future.)

    Recently on Shot of Jaq, there's been some discussion about Linux Gaming. I've been thinking about the current state of Linux Gaming, and, to be frank …

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  2. Digital Goons

    Tue 29 December 2009 | tags: Rants DRM

    I've been doing a lot of thinking about freedom and Digital Rights Management (DRM) recently. I've become enamored with checking out more eBooks as of late (the swelling book shelves of the apartment can attest to that. ;) ) There are a number of bookstores out on the internet that sell ebooks …

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  3. Free Software Foundation - WTF are you thinking?!?

    I've been a big fan of the Free Software Foundation and the GNU Public License. Heck, I've even released a few pieces of my own software under the GPL. The GNU Public License ensures that any piece of software released under it must be able to be modified and released …

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  4. I can't quit you, RIAA

    I'm giving up my "boycott" of RIAA-controlled music. There's a lot of reasons for this change of heart:

    • The RIAA has distribution deals with just about every label out there. If you're looking at discs in Borders, WalMart, Barnes and Noble, or Best Buy, there's a good chance that record …
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