John Denver classic provokes Thai karaoke gun massacre | The Register
read moreRetro Thing: Two obsolete audio formats in one... the VinylDisc
Not sure if I should file this in brilliant or silly, but it definitely is something to consider. I remember looking at the Verbatim Vinyl CD-Rs (that looked like vinyl, but are not playable) and wondered if it might be …
not sure what marketing genius decided on anthropomorphizing pinapple
and bananas into a dinosaur and a dog, but I think the results speak for
Slashdot | James Randi Posts $1M Award On Speaker Cables
James Randi has put the million dollar prize on the line against a set of $7,250 Pear Anjou speaker cables. Honestly, I don't quite understand why people pay this kind of money for some proverbial electron superhighway. That's why modern …
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