Pyweek #5: The only way out is through

I've made some progress with my Pyweek #5 entry. The theme is "twisted", and if the idea in my head can match the idea I submit, I think it'll be really cool. I don't want to give away too much up front because I'm not sure if anyone else is doing something similar. Honestly, it'll kill my enthusiasm if I know someone else is doing a similarly themed game. This time around has been much more difficult with the holiday weekend, work (we're really in a crunch time right now) and a sense that this has to be better than Busy Busy Bugs was. I need to remember that the goal of this is to have fun and make a really cool game. See that? Goal #1: have fun. Goal #2: make a really cool game. If I'm not having fun, then I'm not doing Pyweek. Simple as that.

I can't wait to put up a screenshot. I think this really could be a cool game.

