Designing a Well Lived Life: Checking In (September 2019)

Checking in for September for my "Designing a Well-Lived Life" blogging. This is about making small changes during the year to make larger changes.

  • Administrative focus: This past month has shown me that I'm not quite as on my game with administrative focus as I would like. Lots of bills in September in September, along with things coming due that have shown me throughout this month that I need to at least some focus on this at least once a day. I am working on carving more time out per day to give myself this focus.

  • Writing more: I started off the month pretty well with writing for the Pepper&Carrot RPG but fell off by the end of the month. I'm looking to put in more structure in my day to make this happen more.

  • Design more: See above.

  • Programming more: My programming projects have been primarily with work. I'm hoping to explore more of Rust this next week and will blog about my progress. I find Rust is the most interesting thing this week, plus it will give me an opportunity to practice with what I've been preaching in The Mediocre Programmer book, namely picking something and focusing with it once a day for a week.

  • Getting out of debt: Slow pace, but have been working on getting more income and spending less.

  • Physical Health: No focus on this, though it's starting to worry me some.

  • Mindfulness: Keeping focus is a challenge for me throughout the day. During the morning I'm finding my focus is strong but after lunch I find my focus can wander pretty heavily. Will practice with being mindful during these periods.

  • Deeper work: Am committing to lessen my social media footprint during October. That means not spending my time frittering away on social media sites. I'm hoping to get more focused and deeper work this month.

