1. Checking In: 2024-01-30

    Checking in for 2024-01-30:

    I keep taking my blood pressure medication but it seems that my blood pressure is still up. I just took my blood pressure and the iHealth Track is furiously blinking red. It's the cancer medications that are keeping my blood pressure high. There's not much I …

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  2. Checking In: 2024-01-29

    Checking in for 2024-01-29:

    Last week my intention was to focus on my most important tasks first thing in the morning and work on them. I did OK with this. My main thing was that I didn't do these things first-thing but that is in part because I have a …

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  3. Checking In: 2024-01-28

    Checking in for 2024-01-28:

    I managed to get a few things done today. I worked more on my book and wrote some other stuff. I also tried once again to get the Atari 1040 STF to hook up to a color monitor but didn't have any luck with it. Hopefully …

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