Pray for blindness

Santa was very good to me this Christmas, with the arrival of several Amazon gift certificates (thank you all!). I combined them together, and bought myself (and my darling bride) a new digital camera, the Canon A530. Prior to this camera purchase, I was still using the Olympus D-320 I bought from Sheryl at work way-back in 1998. (And she and her husband had the camera for a good long time prior to that). I have to say the Olympus D-320 is quite the trooper, and has found a new home with my sister-in-law. So, I've moved from a camera with 1024x768 resolution (that's less than a megapixel for anyone who's keeping track) to a camera with a whopping 5.4 megapixels. Plus it also has the ability to make movies (with sound), and it takes GREAT photos. I initially had some trouble getting the camera to download photos to my Linux machine, but realized it was my own damn fault the whole time. It works, and works perfectly. What more can I say? :)

So, expect more photos from us in the near future. I'll bet you can't wait.

