2009 blog thoughts, and why "Show, Don't Tell" is the theme for the year

It's a new year, and as is customary this time of year, here are some of my new year's resolutions and changes for 2009:

  • Blog changes: I've decided one perennial feature of this blog, the birthday wishes, will cease this year. That means that I won't be posting birthday wishes anymore on the blog. The reasons are because I feel they're not quite as effective as they once were, and I'm not sure if anyone really reads them. So from here on out, I'll be sending more personalized e-mail birthday greetings instead of the blog entry. I hope this is a minor change that few folks will notice.
  • Show, Don't Tell: This is my year of doing. I've been very good at four of the five phases of work as defined in Getting Things Done (Collect, Organize, Process, and Review), and not so good at the fifth phase (Do). So this year, my improvement will be in the fifth phase. There's a lot to this phase, but I'm confident I'll be making more progress in the coming year. Less Débutante, more worker this year.
  • Human Contact:I've let myself slide on the (warm) human contact front, so I'm going to make a better effort to keep in contact with folks I haven't talked to in a while. We'll see how that works.
  • Music: I'm working to put out some more music and other creative endeavors.

I'm sure there's more, but this is what comes to mind at the moment. Thoughts? Leave 'em in the comments section.

