What has your attention, redux

This morning I received a spam message from someone looking to post their crap on this site (We think your readers would be interested in this content). The post they wanted to attach their crap to is What has your attention, which was a post about what I was going through at the beginning on 2008. This got me checking the rest of the posts I made in 2008 (until I got to a 404 page. Whoops!).

  • In January 2008 my parents were looking into assisted living for my grandmother.
  • I was still working in the automotive industry in a job that I didn't care for (and was apparently turning toward the worst).
  • I had long drives back from work because of the snow.
  • I was still posting birthday notices to my blog.

That got me thinking about blogging more. Some of this stuff I had forgotten over time, and every now and again it's nice to look back and see how far I've come.

So thank you, spammer, for giving me a trip down memory lane and a renewed sense of what this blog is about.

