Unprocrastination challenge: Check-in #2

Even though I'm laid off I'm still trying to work on The Unprocrastination Challenge. I'm trying to keep myself on as many routines as I can even though my tasks aren't accountable to anyone but myself. If I don't hold myself accountable then I'll be drifting along, and that's not good for myself and the things that I want to get done.

Overall I've not been as good blocking off the Internet using Block Focus, but I have been able to pause and give myself the breathers that lead me to want to be on social media. Recognizing that I'm feeling overwhelmed by my thoughts and my desires to keep myself in comfort. Pushing myself outside of my comfort levels is how I'm going to grow.

I have some more thoughts on this, but I'm keeping this short so I can collect my thoughts on how to break my cycles of procrastination.

