Designing a Well Lived Life: Checking In (January 2021)

Checking in for January for my "Designing a Well-Lived Life" blogging. This is about making small changes during the year to make larger changes.

This month was, to put it mildly, not the best month for focus. It was a great month for uncertainty though, and some days it was all I could do to just accept what was going on. So with that in mind here's how I did in January.

  • Work on my game projects at least three times a week: Some weeks were better than others, but overall I had a lot of trouble working on these. I made some progress and decided to make my goal where I would publish the playtest versions of two games by the end of June and already I feel like I'm behind and won't make it. But I'm going to still try my best to make it.

  • Meditation and mindfulness: See above. I found myself just diving into work without meditating first. That caused me to feel more distracted and more at-odds with myself. When I did meditate and relax it was quite nice, but there's definitely more improvement needed.

  • Work with less distractions and more focus on deeper work (Relentlessly prune bullshit): See above. I found myself glued more to watching social media than anything. Going to try to use social media via tootstream exclusively to prevent me from getting stuck.

  • Walk or ride the recumbent bike at least four times a week: Cold weather made it more difficult to go out, but I have been walking, so that's been helpful.

  • Get further out of debt: Made some progress here, but have also been rejuvenating some bad habits with spending. Need to curb that.

  • Play more games: Surprisingly well this past month. We played several new-to-us board games and I played a few rounds of IronSworn. That got me thinking about using that for a game idea that I have. That will be releasing in June for playtest.

  • Spend at least one night a week working on programming projects: Not so great, but have at least made some progress.

  • Declutter and make our place more alive: Been doing what I can but haven't been able to move things out as much as I would like. I did buy a shredder though so that has helped with the large shredding project I have (shredding bunches of old documents that are no longer relevant). It's nice to be able to shred a folder of old stuff and not have to worry about emptying the bin as much.

February promises to be an exciting month. Looking forward to meeting it head-on.

