Letting go of the past and focusing on what's important

Yesterday, I shredded a bunch of my old work journals. Every year I would buy a new Moleskine journal and use that for the year. I got out of this habit when I was laid off, and I moved to more digital journaling when I used that more for checking-in with myself on a daily basis. I read through some of these journals. Lots of complaining in there about not doing my weekly review weekly (which is still true, but I've come to accept that more), lots of wishing that I was doing something more creative, and lots of bold plans that didn't come to fruition. It's good to see that I'm consistent. So I just tore them up and shredded them (and recycled the parts that weren't used).

I'm coming to grips that I don't have to be bound by my "career" anymore. I'm not having to satisfy anyone but my inner demons and desires. This weekend was Big Bad Con, which streamed for 24 hours straight. Usually I'd sit there and be glued to it, trying to garner anything for being a game designer. This time around I concentrated on decluttering the basement because we're having someone come look at the sewer that kept backing up over the weekend. Decluttering was more important, so that got my focus. I didn't try to split my attention between the two; I just accepted that decluttering was my main focus and gave it all of my attention.

I'm going to keep practicing around this.

