Playing with chaos

I've been playing around a lot with chaos and uncertainty this past week. One instance of this was in upgrading my computers to Ubuntu 20.04 (I'm not one to go rushing into the latest LTS release). It was a bit scary, but I managed to fix most of the issues without much incident. I've also had the chaos of my digestive system rebelling whenever it wants. Last night I canceled our weekly Coffee House Coders meeting because I was dealing with stomach distress and felt overwhelmed. I realized I was pushing myself and needed to step back a bit. That led to me having the space to do the big upgrade to Ubuntu 20.04 on my main machine, the one that I use for everything from mail to development. I upgraded "lister" and brought him current.

I'm not sure why this week felt like the week to do all of this. Part of it could be the uncertainty of the rest of the week and playing around with some controlled chaos. Who can say? But it felt like a major accomplishment. I took the fear and uncertainty and did something with it.

