Checking In: 2023-07-17

Checking in for 2023-07-17:

  • Last week my intention was to work with my feelings of being overwhelmed and reduce my focus to 3-4 items to really work on to help me achieve smaller focus. I did OK with this drill, but I'm still finding myself feeling pretty overwhelmed. I keep noticing my lists creeping up in number and noticing a lot of tasks that are on there that have been on there for a while. I have periods like this where I feel expansion and then contraction. Right now I'm feeling like I'm the contraction phase where I want to pull everything out of my lists and keep things as minimal as possible. That's a clear sign that I am overwhelmed. This week I'm going to continue to work with this feeling and find some time to either complete or stow-away the tasks on my lists.
  • I'd like to know why Pixel usually decides to throw up a hairball after 4 a.m. It would be nice if she would keep her hairball removal to the hours of 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Being tired doesn't help my feelings of constraint.
  • We have someone coming out to take care of our water heater on Friday. Will see if it's a simple fix or what all will be required to make it work. I'm hopeful.
  • Someone down the street is getting cement work done. It sounds like they're demolishing a dumpster.
  • There is nothing I procrastinate more than being on the phone. I have several calls to make and they're the ones that take the most out of me. In my ideal world I could just email folks and get a response, but I realize that for some folks writing an email is just as terrifying. Also people have a really hard time maintaining their inboxes. I'd like to thank the spammers out there for making email untenable and making my life miserable having to call folks.

