1. Finally have broadband

    Finally, we have a broadband connection! I feel like I just got some new shoes and they're all sproingie, and speedy and such. It's a nice feeling to have some breathing room on the ol' modem. :)

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  2. New fish

    Tue 07 September 2004 | tags: Fish

    JoDee and I spent an interminable amount of time at Meijer trying to flag someone down in the pet department (which is cleverly located in Grocery, which means it's next to impossible to find someone. Never mind that two people were there just seconds before I located the tank with …

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  3. Hippie Dictionary

    Apparently someone decided that the world wasn't complete without a Hippie Dictionary filling part of it. It translates all of those far-out words that hippies use, like "like" and "stay loose". Somehow I don't think there's a direct translation for "Take a bath, you (expletive deleted) smelly hippie and get …

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