1. Untitled Post

    Just wanted to take a quick moment to mention some birthdays that are happening (or have happened) this week. Happy Birthday Michelle, and Happy Birthday (on Thursday) Ruth!

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  2. Untitled Post

    It's nice to see a working musician speak up about the whole music sharing over the internet issue, even if I've never heard of them. Some very interesting points to ponder in there.

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  3. Untitled Post

    Maybe if I really wanted to spend some money I could buy this case when it's'eventually released. I mean it looks almost like a G4 Macintosh, and it's got neat plexiglass sides. And it might go with the rest of my setup. On second thought... I don't think so. After …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Just went through the pain of making this page W3C compliant. That means every browser that conforms to the standards should have no issues viewing these pages. Unfortunately this only deals with the HTML of the pages; the content is still up to our usual substandard standards.

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  5. Untitled Post

    Haven't made any news updates in a while. Sorry about that for all of you who were eagerly awaiting my latest update. (Right... Who am I kidding? :) )

    Hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July. Ours was rather interesting. I managed to get hit in the leg by …

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