1. Untitled Post

    Wow! We're in the middle of a blizzard and 8-12 inches of snow. It took me two and a half hours to get home from work. Intellicast shows the whole state of Michigan lit up with snow. It's unbelievable. JoDee predicted this was going to be rather bad, and boy …

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  2. Untitled Post

    CDNOW has a promotion right now for purchasing CDs through this link. Spend $40 and get $10 back. Get something for that special someone, or blow it all on yourself. Or if you're really feeling generous, you could blow it all on me. You have until December 19th, so hurry …

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  3. Untitled Post

    OK, I'd like to know how people who are normally accustomed to driving in some of the worst weather conditions at insane speeds can be stymied by a little mist. I drove into work this moring (if staying below 35mph on I-75 can be considered driving) and was utterly amazed …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Sheesh, the day after a long holiday is just not worth pursuing. I think post turkey-day festivities have even affected my work's domain controller (damn Microsoft technology). Oh well. Guess in a hundred years it won't matter anyway. :)

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