1. Untitled Post

    Wish me luck! Tomorrow I get to find out if I need surgery on Tuesday to remove my kidney stone. I'm completely NOT looking forward to that. :( And yes, I am drinking lots of water! :)

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  2. Untitled Post

    It's Official! Microsoft announces that Windows '9x is crap. (OK, not quite, but it's interesting to see their spin doctors at work). The Register has an article about the spin doctoring that Windows 2000 and Whistler has prompted.

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  3. Untitled Post

    JoDee and I saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon this weekend. Quite a good film. The story was well done, but it had a few moments that you really had o pay attention, otherwise the film would loose you. The fight scenes were rather incredible, and the acting was excellent. The …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Happy New Year!

    Wow... what a new year it's been already. A kidney stone decided it was time to jump for freedom on the 30th of December, and is working its way out. I had to go to the hospital on New Years Eve morning (4:30am). I've been drinking …

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