1. Snow

    If you're a fan of precipitation in white-crystaline format, we've got plenty of it cascading down on the ground here. Nothing like being snowed in for a while. :)

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  2. Stoopids is a smart idea

    I went to Stoopids yesterday for a birthday party of a friend's kid. For those who aren't familiar with this place, imagine a room with 30-40 PC machines all networked and ready to run a plethora of multiplayer games. For a small fee, these machines will open up and allow …

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  3. This is why man created the internet

    What is the difference between a Ding Dong and a King Don?

    When Hostess introduced Ding Dongs in 1967, the advertising campaign included a ringing bell: hence the name Ding Dongs. However, the eastern United States Hostess opted to package the cakes as King Dons to avoid confusion with a …

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