1. Infringe this...

    SunnComm is planning to sue a student who nullified their Digtal Rights Management software using the shift key on a Windows machine. By pressing the shift key, Windows will not run the software encoded on the disc, which renders their DRM null and void. Of course SunnComm isn't too pleased …

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  2. Craig's Obituary Pages...

    I hadn't heard this, but apparently George Plimpton also died recently. Remembered for a body of work that spans the ages, he'll be most remembered by a generation for pitching the Mattel Intellivision, although he didn't seem to have the trouble with being remembered for that role like some other …

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  3. Groin-grabbingly good

    This may not make any sense, but I want to know what other people think is the "gesture" that people from the '80s contributed to rock music. What prompted this conversation was a conversation that JoDee and I had over lunch after working out. At the place we work out …

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