Well, it appears where we're living isn't blessed with great Internet options. I should have known when I tapped my phone number into Speakeasy and didn't practically have a sales representative hop through my modem to sell me service. I ordered DSL through SBC, but they mysteriously had an "error …
read morePerfect Wedding!
JoDee and I are home from a wonderful and absolutely perfect wedding. The ceremony was perfect, the reception was perfect, and the honeymoon was absolutely perfect. If there is ever a portion of my life that I would like to say "Cut! Perfect!", this wedding would be it. (Yeah, nothing …
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It's the weekend of my wedding! Woo hoo!!! I'm excited as all heck!!!! :)
(Which brings me to my next point... no updates to the site until after the wedding. Sorry! :) )
Have a great weekend everyone, and we'll see you when we get back!
read moreOuch!
Response Card Addendum
BTW: There is one exception to the "send in your response card". If you are in the house in which the response cards are being tallied, you can just drop off your response card on the kitchen table. :)
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