1. Untitled Post

    Amazon has a link where you can donate to the Red Cross. Since I don't like to give blood (I hate needles), I figure it's the least I can do, given the circumstances of this cowardly attack on the United States.

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  2. Untitled Post

    This has been a very sad day indeed. I've spent every moment of the day watching the World Trade Center attack and the Pentagon attack. I'm at a loss for words. Simply unbelievable. I pray the people who have to deal with this tragedy firsthand have the strength to cope …

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  3. Untitled Post

    Tried putting rsync on this system to update things, but unfortunately it didn't work, so I'm back using sitecopy. If anyone knows why rsync copied the files as hidden files (Tower.zip transferred over as .Tower.zip.w34325), let me know. I bothered the IRC channels and searched the web …

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