1. Untitled Post

    Ok, so I've been remiss in updating the site since I got my new job. (Sorry sweetie. :) ) Not a lot to report here. New job is pretty good, although the product I'm programming for is rather programmer hostile. Sure, they have an API, but they go out of their way …

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  2. Untitled Post

    What a difference a week makes! On Monday I received a job offer, and on Tuesday I accepted it. On Wednesday I went and filled out an application and took a drug test. On Thursday, I traded in my car that has been giving me plenty of transmission troubles for …

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  3. Untitled Post

    For anyone who might happen to read resumes and my page, I only ask you to do one thing when you receive mine or anybody elses resume via e-mail. Please PLEASE send back a little note. It can even be a form letter. Just let anyone who has taken the …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Ruth made dinner for JoDee and I for my birthday. She makes some of the best damn spaghetti I've ever had. After dinner, we played the board game "eBay". Yes, eBay has it's own board game. It's pretty fun, actually. One thing that bothers me about it is it encourages …

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  5. Untitled Post

    If today is your birthday, you celebrate it with Fiona Apple, Mel Torme (R.I.P.), and ME! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, my odometer has clicked another notch, and I'm now the reprehensible age of 30. Ugh! Thank you to everyone who has sent cards and e-mails. It's also the …

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