1. Untitled Post

    Happy Halloween Everyone!

    Doesn't really feel like Halloween for me yet. I love this holiday, yet this year I can't seem to get into it as much as I usually do. Maybe it because I have too much on my mind or something. I didn't even decorate, or even (gasp …

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  2. Untitled Post

    OK, forget everything I said about being well adjusted today. Seems everyone was a bit out of whack today. I know I was tired and pretty much lethargic, and it seems I wasn't the only one. The transition to Eastern Standard Time seems to have hit everyone like a giant …

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  3. Untitled Post

    Goodbye Daylight Saving's Time, Hello Eastern Standard Time. I really like "falling back" rather than "Springing Forward". It feels like I've cheated time out of an hour when it happens. "Ha! It should be 11:43pm, but it's actually 10:43pm!". Actually, I think I stay pretty much on Eastern …

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  4. Untitled Post

    Well, we moved Ruth to Belleville this past weekend. Had a rather interesting experience with Ruth's box spring mattress. The mattress wouldn't fit down the stairs (they were those rather narrow stairs that make a whole 180 degree turn). After putting it in every possible configuration, we had it stuck …

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  5. Untitled Post

    Remember that little ditty I had on my webpage about being remiss in updating my pages? Oh, wait... that was the last entry. :)

    Several of my friends are moving. Ruth is moving to Belleville to be closer to her work, while Dave is moving to Ann Arbor to take a …

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