1. Checking In: 2024-01-24

    Content warning: bodily function

    Checking in for 2024-01-24:

    Today I made some more progress on the book I am writing. I'm just working on getting a much as I can out before I start really editing the whole thing. That's my main focus. I did this before with The Mediocre …

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  2. Checking In: 2024-01-23

    Checking in for 2024-01-23:

    I managed to get a little bit of writing on the book that I'm working on. It was a little difficult to get traction on this. It's going to take a few iterations to get this to come together but hopefully I can beat this into …

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  3. Checking In: 2024-01-22

    Content warning: bodily functions

    Checking in for 2024-01-22:

    Last week my intention was to try picking up my projects and getting them started again. I didn't make a whole lot of progress on this until this weekend when I really dug in and made some major progress. My intention this …

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  4. Checking In: 2024-01-21

    Checking in for 2024-01-21:

    I managed to do more work on the book that I'm working on and got some positive feedback. I'm not sharing the link quite yet because it's early stages of writing but so far I'm pleased with how it's coming together. We'll see how many pages …

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  5. Checking In: 2024-01-20

    Checking in for 2024-01-20:

    Today I woke up tired. I was half-ready to go back to bed but Pixel was on the bed in a way that I couldn't get back into bed. Dangit. So I showered and got ready. That wasn't too bad overall because I had a 10am …

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