1. Slacking...

    Hmmm... It appears I've been slacking on these pages lately. I know I'm not going to be able to catch up on getting everyone caught up on my life (not that anyone would really concern themselves with such details), but I will mention a few things:

    • JoDee and I have …
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  2. BTW...

    Tue 23 September 2003 | tags: Fish

    Ruth will probably have my head if I didn't mention that we had Ralphie (her betta) over while she was away back home. JoDee and I have never seen such a spoiled fish. Of course we naturally took his bowl and put it over by Marty (our betta) just to …

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  3. Another dead fish

    Fri 19 September 2003 | tags: Fish

    Oh yeah, and one of the Black Tetras bit the big one yesterday. Fortunately the rest of the fish seem to have cleared up, so the worst appears to be over with.

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  4. Fish...

    Sun 14 September 2003 | tags: Fish

    Make that three tiger barbs gone, and the rest of them not doing so hot. I have a feeling the next thing I'll be putting in this tank is bleach.

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  5. Fish go bye-bye

    Sun 14 September 2003 | tags: Fish

    Well, the fish that I got from JoDee for my birthday all have contracted Ick. Worse, they're all dying. Just lost two of the tiger barbs, and the others are gasping like crazy. I'm trying salt treatments, but it's looking grim. Ahh well... I'll know what to do next time …

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