1. RIP Marty

    Fri 23 July 2004 | tags: Fish

    Rest in peace, Marty. You were the sturdiest fish I've ever had. You were there with me as I learned more about fish and fish disease. He was always the first to greet me, with his hungry dance that never seemed to be quenched. Bright red was his spirit and …

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  2. Betta talk

    Wed 21 July 2004 | tags: Fish

    It loks like Marty (our betta) is not doing so well. He's bloated out a bit, although he's not pineconing. I'm hoping it's not the first stages of a serious disease like dropsy (second link) or some other problem. I've been a bad fish father.

    In sadder betta news, Ruth's …

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  3. Continuing saga of fish

    Fri 14 May 2004 | tags: Fish

    Looks like Marty's eye is finally subsiding, and returning to it's normal size. I'm letting the Maracyn Two work it's course through the tank, and then after this weekend I'll do a water change again. Good lord, I wonder how I'll be if we have kids. :) (NEWS FLASH: Little Bernouli …

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  4. Anyone have experience with bettas

    Wed 17 March 2004 | tags: Fish

    Marty, our betta, is now sporting something of a fish pot belly nowadays. I'm not sure if it's the sign of something like dropsy (which I don't think so, because his scales are still flat against his body) or if it's because I'm overfeeding the little pig (twice a day …

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  5. New fish

    Sat 17 January 2004 | tags: Fish

    I went out today and picked up a new fish for our tank. He is a plecostomus, and his name is Plucky. He's been doing a number on the algae problem I've been having lately in the tank. He brings the number of fish in my tank to 3.

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