1. Rush: Permanent Waves

    For this latest Rush album the random hand-of-fate (aka: my script) chose "Permanent Waves". This is considered one of Rush's most radio friendly albums and it's clear to see why. "The Spirit of Radio" is a straight-up radio-friendly jam that talks about the optimism of radio while saying that radio …

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  2. Rush: Hemispheres

    This week I chose Rush: Hemispheres as the album this week. I'd say there was a reason for it but it was actually me shuffling the albums and picking one at random. Such are the capricious ways of fate.

    I first got Hemispheres on cassette tape back when Meijer sold …

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  3. Rush: Hold Your Fire

    Recently my friend Jorge made an off-hand remark that we should listen to Rush's catalog together. He suggested that I pick an album and we'd spend the week listening to it. Not one to let a challenge like this go by I decided to take him up on it. I …

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