The Two-Hour Star Wars Holiday Special in only Five Minutes!
Enough for you to remember why this really should be forgotten.
The only reason to watch the holiday special was to see Boba Fett, but the only way to make sense of the plot is …
Milky The Marvelous Milking Cow
YouTube - 1978 - Milky The Marvelous Milking Cow
Who says we didn't have cool toys back when I was growing up? I mean, who wouldn't want pretend milk from their own pretend cow?
read moreA few American Bandstand Videos for your enjoyment
While searching for a video that Sarah mentioned in her away message (about some rapper taking Innagaddadavida and turning it into a rap song (I'd rather not give it any exposure, kthanks), I stumbled on the American Bandstand appearance of IRON BUTTERFLY - Inagaddadavida. What surprised me was another video for …
read moreGeekiest... thread... ever.
LaTeX Spoken Here! - Asymptotia
I'm not sure which is geekier: the fact that someone implemented LaTeX in their blog software, or the amount of people posting equations in the comments thread. You decide.
read moreIt all makes sense in Bizarro world
Yestarday we received our first measurable snowfall im Michigan. We received about an inch or two of snow fall, which isn't really much compared to some of the storms we've had in ithe past. Unfortunately, since this is the first one, everything went all topsy-turvey. Driving home, I waited about …
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