1. Best. Review. Ever.

    "scenery scenery scenery. fight fight fight. talk about the ring. fight. scenery.
    watching lord of the rings."

    (As seen on Sarah's away message).

    (And before anyone starts bagging on me about the movie, I loved all three, but damn, there was a lot of scenery shots).

    (UPDATE: And yes, JoDee …

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  2. Why my mail is quickly turning into a pile of crap

    Let's run the numbers. Since midnight last night, I have received:

    • 145 SPAM mails classified as such by bogofilter
    • 36 unsure-if-they're-SPAM mails classified by bogofilter
    • 25 graphics SPAMs which bogofilter couldn't classify
    • Numerous mails returned to decafbad.net as undeliverable SPAM.

    And that's just with several domains. I can't even …

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