1. Checking In: 2024-01-15

    Checking in for 2024-01-15:

    Last week my intention was to exercise at least once a day. That intention got side-lined a bit by my health and my desire to put my focus on getting my most important work done. So I'm shifting my focus to working on things like the …

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  2. Checking In: 2024-01-13

    Checking in for 2024-01-13:

    Today I spent part of the day working on my weekly review. I decided to reconfigure what my focus is. Exercise is important but I need to focus more on my other projects. So I went through my lists and reconfigured what my focus is for …

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  3. Checking In: 2024-01-12

    Checking in for 2024-01-12:

    Content warning: bodily functions

    Last night was pretty rough. I had a round of diarrhea that just didn't want to quit. It took a bit for it to settle down. Eventually it did but it took a lot out of me. It reminded me of when …

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