Happy day-after-Halloween

JoDee and I handed out candy at her dad's place last night. Some of the notable costumes we saw were:

  • Kids on rollerblades: Talk about efficient candy-grabs. JoDee and I both wondered why we never thought of this when we were kids.
  • The Incredibles, with a brother and sister pair dressed as the brother and sister from the movie. Oh, did I mention that dad was dressed as Mr. Incredible too? Spandex and all.
  • The Bride of Funkenstein, or at least that's what we thought it was.
  • Father and son dressed as Ninjas.

Other notable events from the evening:

  • The light on the porch at JoDee's Dad's has a short in it, so rather than burn the house down just to pass out candy, we decided to turn it off. I had several people ask if we were open. Apparently the flashlight / scented candle combo wasn't as effective as we had hoped.
  • Two kids were trying to figure out what streets they were on. One said they were on a wrong street. I piped up what street intersection they were at. They thanked me, and like most asked if we were open. I said yes. They came over to get some candy, and the one piped up "Wow, candy and information". I live to serve.
  • I got seriously high on sugar and caffeine. JoDee started forbidding me from the candy when I did my "Cornholio" impression.
  • Three girls walked by, with one on her cell phone. Seriously, WTF.
  • Laura and Kevin brought Arthur over in costume. He was very cute in his skeleton costume.

We packed ut up soon after Laura, Kevin and Arthur came on over. It was getting late, and the unpacking continues. All in all a great evening.

