Designing a Well Lived Life: Checking In (November 2022)

Checking in for November for my "Designing a Well-Lived Life" blogging. This is about making small changes during the year to make larger changes.

  • Focus on health (exercise, eating, stress): November was a down-month for chemo and treatment so I could recover my strength. I've not been great about exercising or anything during this period (I haven't really played drums or done the exercise bike, or gone for walks either). Tomorrow starts my chemo again so I'll need to be more diligent about this.

  • Complete my game design projects to allow others to enjoy them: Made some major progress on the storyworld engine that I'm working on. Will need to rewrite the encounters that I have as they're not great, but overall really pleased with my progress here.

  • Do more non-work programming and chase my "white whales": See above. Also have been looking into how to program the Atari 2600 and learning more about how the Atari Home Computers work. I'd say I'm making headway here.

  • Be more mindful and focused in my day-to-day activities: Middling progress here. I'm finding myself having some moments of focus but overall it's not really been there. Need to work on finding more moments of focus and giving myself permission to enjoy them. Also being OK with the moments when focus isn't happening and letting myself relax in those moments.

  • Add more joy into my life, either with games, reading, or other relaxing activities: JoDee and I played some games this past month, which was pretty awesome. I've also rediscovered the joys of the Atari 2600 and the homebrew scene, so that's been fun.

  • Allow myself to do more with less (distractions, acquisition, commitments, etc.): Erm, not so good here. I've been a pretty big magnet this month for crap. Meed to show more restraint.

  • Notice when I'm overwhelmed and let go as much as I can: Haven't been so good with this. I get overwhelmed easily. I'm recognizing when it happens, though, so I've been able to refocus myself when it happens. Calling this a semi-success.

  • Declutter: Made minor progress with this. There's still much more to do.

  • Continue removing debt: Still plugging away at this. Making more headway.

November was pretty exciting as far as progress on my projects. For the first time in a long while I was really focused and engaged with my projects. That has since wavered a bit, so I have more work to do there. That will be the focus for December.

