Checking in: 2023-05-04

Checking in:

  • Chemo day really tires me out. I noticed when I was at the Ann Arbor Coffee House Coders group that remembering things was just not happening properly. It's a little frustrating, but I know the cause and can compensate as much as possible.
  • I did 30 minutes of work on the Pepper&Carrot wiki this morning first-thing (well, almost first thing. Apparently checking email first had some precedence). I noticed a lot of resistance to this in art because I feel there's a lot to cover and there are things I'd like to rearrange. Overall though I think it can be tidied up. Good is better than perfect.
  • My next rounds of chemo are scheduled and ready to go.
  • Did I mention tired?
  • Still working on decluttering and moving things out of the house to other places. Yesterday I shipped off four boxes of games, and earlier this week I sold back a bunch of books. Still plugging away at this.

Still pressing onward.

