Update: Firefox 117+ and Jitsi BWE=-1 issue

Update: This was resolved

Recently I posted about a bug with Firefox and Jitsi's BWE. It turns out this is not a bug with Jitsi, or at least it wasn't triggered by a change with Jitsi. It seems that version 117 and later of Firefox have changed something to cause the BWE in Jitsi to malfunction. I posted a note about this on the Fediverse to see if I could find someone to help diagnose what changed but to no avail. I did have one kind response that was going to check to see if Big Blue Button was having the same issues. I'll report back if there are any updates.

So your options if you're running into this are:

  • Turn off the BWE in Jitsi (outlined in this post).
  • Revert to an earlier version of Firefox (116 and prior seem to not trigger this bug).
  • Use Chrome or another browser.

Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this. I owe the Jitsi community a large amount of thanks for determining what the root cause was. I thought something had changed on the Jitsi side but I was mistaken. They set me straight on where the real issue lies. I'm hopeful we can resolve this soon.

