Checking In: 2024-01-31

Checking in for 2024-01-31:

Today was my last dose of Regorafenib (nee: Stivarga, Regonix). I have a break from this for a week so I'm looking forward to having proper breakfast with my usual stuff instead of oatmeal or Total with skim milk. Definitely makes you appreciate the small things in life.

Did some more work on my book. I'm surprised I'm making as much headway on this as I am. Every time I sit down to it I feel like the writing is going to be a chore and each time I surprise myself with what comes out.

Also managed to get a few more things done today. My energy seems to be coming back so I'll take it for what it's worth. I have noticed that my hip is a little sore. I think that is a side-effect of the Stivarga.

More as I know it.

