Happy New Year 2003!
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Ack! What a week it's been! Sorry for not wishing everyone a Merry Christmas, and double-sorry for not making Christmas cards or other goodies. And here we come to the part where I put up some lame excuse of why I couldn't spread holiday cheer: my hard drive was failing …
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MurphyIt is with grave sadness that I must let you know that Murphy passed away this morning at 3am. He was less than a year old. His vibrance, enthusiasm, and sheer tenacity is already missed. I am literally in tears just picturing his little face looking to hop in …
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Congratulations Rob and Kathleen on your wedding! (I know Kathleen from college, so don't think I'm some freakish Slashdot Weenie). May you both find true happiness on your single road together.
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JoDee and I went to Ann Arbor this past weekend. She had a meeting with one of the professors to discuss some research she will be doing next semester. Finally, a chance for her to do the astrophysics she's always wanted to do. Of course she has a boatload of …
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